
Professional Cleaning Services

Diab’s Cleaning Services in Sydney NSW know that transparent pricing helps you to understand what you are buying and keeps everyone on track. We know that communication and responsiveness are critical in a service business. Diab’s know that our customer is the starting point for effective service, and we make our client’s service a priority in order to find, hire, retain and manage great fit for work.

Diab’s cleaning understands that top-notch cleaning equipment and environment friendly products do the best job for the best price delivering great service, great value and a healthy work environment.

At Diab’s Cleaning Services, we identify issues before they become problems by delivering frequents site inspections. We appreciate that security and safety in your facility are paramount. We don’t take shortcuts with training; we make quality control a prime directive and operate with professionalism that heralds in great service.

  • Are you struggling to communicate with your commercial cleaning service?
  • Is your office cleaning company delivering the results, consistency, and quality you deserve?

  • Ineffective commercial cleaning is getting you down?

  • Have your commercial cleaning services’ people problem become your problem?

Best Services

Cleaning is Our Profession

Retail Cleaning
About Cleaning Agency ……..

We deliver

  • Flexible, tailor-made cleaning programs by packaging our services to best suit our client’s needs

  • Effective communication with management and staff to ensure consistent quality
  • A performance that is monitored on a regular basis
  • Support to our staff with ongoing training programs
  • Consolidate accounting systems to save our client’s time
  • A detailed reporting program that is well maintained

To see what set us apart from other commercial cleaning companies in the area, get in touch with our team today, we are certain that we match your business needs with a superior clean at an affordable price.

About Us
Why Choose Diab’s Cleaning

Why Choose Us?

Office cleaning is a critical to keep your building looking at its best and create the right surroundings for your employees and customers. A clean and well-maintained office sets the right tone for your expectations of quality and productivity. Outsourcing your corporate office cleaning keeps your office looking great without you having to manage the day to day cleaning.

Hiring the right cleaning service will improve:

  • Employee health: A clean environment prevents the spread of disease and boosts overall health, increase productivity while also reducing absenteeism.
  • First impressions: Visitors will have a positive first impression of your office, your products, or services, and an overall sense of quality.
  • Infection control: commercial cleaning services like surface cleaning, special attention to touchpoints, sanitation, and disinfection strategies help to stop the spread of germs.
  • Boost your bottom line via increased employee morale and production.
  • Make the most of your budget, get real value from your office cleaning budget.
  • We specialize in COVID cleaning. We disinfect and sanitize every area of your office. Our Office Cleaning Sydney service can include:
  • Vacuuming carpets
  • Polishing floors
  • Emptying bins and replace bin bags
  • Wiping clean and disinfect door handles
  • Wiping skirting boards and painted surfaces
  • Dusting and sanitising surfaces
  • Spot cleaning (e.g. tea spills)
  • Restrooms
  • Kitchen and food prep areas


  • The average employee loses nine working days a year to sickness. Some of which may be attributed to a lack of workplace hygiene
  • A typical office keyboard can carry up to 7,500 bacteria at any given time
  • Viruses such as the flu can linger on unclean surfaces, such as work desks or electronic equipment for 24 hours
  • 60% of absences from work illness are contracted from dirty equipment in the office as e-coli, bacteria, and staph
  • With 65% of office workers sharing phones and computers, and with a whopping 25,127 germs per square inch found on just a telephone, employers need to take cleanliness seriously.

Commercial Cleaning Sydney

It is relatively easy to deliver quality services on any particular night, but to do it consistently every night for years on end – that is what separates professional commercial cleaning services from an amateur. Diab’s Cleaning has systems in place to deliver a professional cleaning service and Covid-19 deep cleaning service for you.

Diab’s cleaning serves many different industries and types of facilities. Our staff will address all your cleaning concerns, providing custom commercial services until you are completely satisfied, these are some of our specialty services:

  • Commercial cleaning
  • Restroom cleaning
  • Carpet cleaning
  • Window cleaning
  • Construction cleaning
  • Machinery cleaning
  • Equipment cleaning

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What They Are Talking

We value the experimentation, the reformation of the message, and the smart incentives. We offer a variety of services and solutions Worldwide.

Impeccable service and pristine results! Diabs Commercial Cleaning is a top-notch cleaning company that exceeded my expectations. Their attention to detail and professionalism are truly commendable. I highly recommend them for all your commercial cleaning needs.

Catherine Alfry

“Impeccable service and pristine results! Diabs Commercial Cleaning is a top-notch cleaning company that exceeded my expectations. Their attention to detail and professionalism are truly commendable. I highly recommend them for all your commercial cleaning needs.”

Bharat Khama

“What a great business this has been to deal with. Adam and Ivan have been warm, professional and courteous in every interaction. Their work is solid with an approach that is both comprehenssive yet adaptable to the requirements of the job. A business well worth considering for your next cleaning job.”

Richard L
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