WHO Does Your Commercial Cleaning Is As Important As HOW They Clean

Ensuring Office Safety is as Important as Making Sure It Is Cleaned Well

With many large office buildings, there are so many people going in and out over the course of the day. These days, increased security is paramount and that means we need to have an idea about who is entering our facilities as well as some degree of trust that they are safe. We would all like to think that each and every person that we meet is generally a good person, but recently the news has been filling up with headlines and raising real concerns for companies all across the country in terms of workplace safety.

Safety and Your Commercial Cleaning Company’s Staff

Thankfully although these events understandably grab headlines, they are not as common as they can feel. However, they raise important safety questions about why these events happen, what we can do to prevent them or at least reduce their likelihood and common-sense ways we can make our own workplaces safer. So, when it comes to your commercial cleaning company, you want to know who is coming and going and you want to know if they are safe. No one likes a new stream of constant new faces in and out of your facility at all hours of the day.

Assuring Fit and Suitability In Office Cleaners Requires Some Effort

It all comes down to the comprehensiveness and effectiveness of the background checks implemented by the cleaning company in question. Your commercial cleaning company needs to perform comprehensive background checks on ANY employees that enter YOUR facility. Many companies neglect to be diligent about background checks and drug screening and perhaps fail to appreciate the real risk that presents you, your employees, and your facility. As time goes on, it is becoming more and more evident that half-hearted, occasional screening isn’t enough to make sure the workplace is safe for you and your employees. What is needed? There are a couple of key areas that need to be thoroughly examined when performing background checks, not limited to criminal and drug history. For instance, education, verifying employment history, and reference verification, are all important aspects of someone’s employability. Some companies will go beyond and do more to assure office cleaners are a good fit for the work.

What To Be on the Lookout When it Comes to Hiring Verifications

Before you decide to outsource your office cleaning to just any building services contractor, make sure you know enough about them. In the cleaning industry, many businesses have a revolving door of staff as a result of an inadequate pool of talent. To err is human, so at some point, your office cleaning company will hire the wrong person, and that’s okay. But, if your commercial office cleaning company is consistently ignoring or overlooking references, criminal histories, and drug tests because of the cost and time required to check and double check their people, then it’s time to find a new partner or move on in your search for effective and safe office cleaning services. don’t put yourself and your employees at risk, make sure your office cleaning company is following through with their background checks.

  • Criminal Background check
  • E-verify
  • Education Verification
  • References Follow Up
  • Drug Screening
  • Employment History Verification

What We Do Differently Here At Diab’s Cleaning Services

Here at Diabs, we go against the grain when it comes to providing commercial cleaning services. cleaning goes beyond just the task of mopping the floor, taking out the rubbish, and dusting surfaces, though we do that and do it well. It is about providing the highest quality of overall service, everything from cleaning to helping do our part to assure your workplace is safe. We believe in building relationships with our clients and good relationship are built on trust. We utilize extensive and stringent verification methods to make sure that they are not only skilled cleaners but a good addition to your work environment. After all, our business is only as good as our people.

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